Spring Fling JTree 2015

Mush Puppy Ken
March 30, 2020

No shit, there I was…​ Driving into the main loop of Hidden Valley Campground with Sunday morning coming down on me and a malevent Vegas wind blowing over my shoulder. Praying we’d find a site. One thing after another having delayed our exodus from Vegas and resuming our pilgrimage to the promised land. In no small part due to conspirators in the group who were loathe to leave Sin City.

Searching here, searching there, searching, searching everywhere…​. When I did spy, with my keen eye, a party mulling about, broadcasting a certain unmistakable signal a seasoned dirt bag would be hard pressed to miss. Might the current denizens be prepping for departure? Rounding 'em on up and retreating on back to the safety and comforts of the inside? One way looping confirmed my initial suspicions. There were no other sites available. Hard to find a turn out affording escape from the looping nowadays but I was not shy. Boldy approaching said denizens I had my prayers answered: They were indeed prepping to leave later that day. Thank the gods! I had just gotten way lucky. After ensuring they’d not promised the site to else, I headed back to our rig with the joyous news.

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Slavin' for Mr. Lizard

Mush Puppy Ken
July 14, 2016

No shit, there I was…​ Slavin' for Mr. Lizard. Team Husky downrange on deep patrol. Status check, roger that. Wiley providing add hoc perimeter security. Mr. Lizard was tied into the sharp end of yet another FA attempt. And as lizards are wont, hangin' by a couple nails. Midnight Oil was keeping meter on the deck when Mr. Lizard blew on out of that thin face high step. Yet again.

Shake it on out and take a rest bro. Give the guns some recovery, eh? How’re the nails? Well, maybe in need of some super glue, eh? May be not.

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Farewell To My Buddy Scott

Mush Puppy Ken
April 2, 2016

Scott Cosgrove has passed. I was fortunate to be able to attend his memorial, a week ago today. Speakers recounted common themes: humility, kindness, courage, generosity, integrity, etc. and I can only echo their sentiments. While each brought tears, Curt’s comments about Scott being such a real and authentic person really spoke to me.

"The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are."  --Joseph Cambell
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